Fermeture temporaire sur 2025 du restaurant

General Conditions of sale "EVENT"

EURL JSJ / Auberge des Pins
« The Event Planning to your service »
Events Organisation
1391 Chemin du Vieux Moulin 83 440 TOURRETTES
Phone number: 04 94 76 06 36 // e-mail : auberge.des.pins@orange.fr
RCS Draguignan : 49874574400017


EURL JSJ hereinafter referred to as « the provider » whose haed office is 1391 Chemin du Vieux Moulin 83440 Tourrettes,

recorded in the Companies and Commerce Register under n°49874574400017 RCS Draguignan, with registred capital of one

thousand five hundred euro, carry on the activity among other, of event planner in this site.

In this context, JSJ proposes at all person (hereinafter referred as “the customer”) wishing to set up an event, the services

of its employees, partners, suppliers, subcontractor, or others… It makes sure of the successful holding of the event, of the

partner professionalism, assure the negotiations but cannot be held liable for exceptional events which would occur and

would be beyond its control and commitments made with them.

“The customer” interested by the offer drafted by JSJ, delegates to “the provider”, the responsibility to the organization of

the event, by signing the General Conditions of Sales and the quote of commitment whose are equal of warrant.

Upon the signing of the quote of commitment, the customer has a withdrawal period of seven days beyond whom the

present general conditions are intended to define their mutual rights and duties.



I. The order taking

Any order of event by “the customer” will be considered therefore that one of these four following conditions will be


1. Agreement in writing, e-mail or posted letter, at the date of the event.

2. Signature of the quote shall be preceded by the handwritten mention "Agreed by".

3. Initials and signature of the General Conditions of Sale preceded by the handwritten mention “read and


4. Payment by the "customer" of the deposit claimed upon accepting the quote.

Therefore, “the provider” delivers a receipt to the customer and indicates the dates and amounts of next deposits. In the

absence of written comments by him, “the customer” undertook to settle the deposits described above.

In case of rejection by banking institution, the order will automatically be cancelled and “the customer” will be notified via



II. Validity of the event

“The provider” makes a commitment on the date chosen as the event but cannot be guarantee the execution of the order

in the event of unfavorable meteorological conditions of other exceptional event whose would occur (see chapter XI –

Insurance and extreme circumstances)


III. Preparation of the event :

Each of the sites selected by “the provider” has its own rules. The client is responsible to verify the reservation time of the

site (indicated on the quote of commitment).

If overtimes are asked by “the customer”, he undertakes to pay the amount to “the provider” on the average basis of 40€


“The customer” is also responsible for damages caused by himself or one of his guests, and he will pay the damages caused

directly with the owner of the place.


IV. Guarantee of reservation

The prices appearing on the quote of commitment established by “the provider” will guarantee seven days after the date of

the quote.


V. Guarantee of cultery

The final invoice will be established depending on the guests representing on the order signed.

“The customer” has the possibility of adjusting the number of 10 % less no extra cost until 10 days maximum before the

date of the event.


Within less than 10 days, “the provider” reserves the right to charge the number indicated on the voucher.

VI. Conditions of use

If the cancellation at the initiative of the customer occurs:

- Less than 24h until 10 days before the date of the event,” the customer” will be billed to 100%, including staff

hours and possible options. 

- From 10 days to 45 days before the date of the event, “the provider” preserves all the deposits.

- From 46 days to 90 days before the date of the event, “the customer” is billed to 50% of the totality.

- Beyond 90 days and after the withdrawal period at the signature of the quote, the first deposit (35%) will be

preserved by “the provider”.


VII. Insurance cancellation and bad weather

“The provider” proposes the client to subscribe through him with the company insurance MMA, an insurance covering the

risk of bad weather or cancellation. This contract would have been signed on minimum 8 weeks before the event.

In order to be reimbursed on the costs incurred, the price is :

- Cancellation : 1,5 % on the costs incurred with minimum of 400€

- Bad weather : 4 % on the costs incurred with minimum of 500€

Without subscription, it is noted that the client ensures alone on the risks involved.


VIII. Intellectual property and confidentiality

The present general conditions of sale and the services included in the quote of commitment are not intended to constitute

any transfer of rights on intellectual property could be implemented under the service ordered.

“The customer” authorizes “the provider” to quote him and to use photography, pictures, movies or other means of

communication for all commercial document in any form whatsoever as commercial reference and without detriment to

the image of the client.


IX. Terms of payment

- First deposit: 35% of the totality from the signature of the quote of commitment, which will be added eventually

the full amount of the location of the site in case of privatization.

In such case, the payment will be directly established to the order of the owner and submitted to “the provider” which will

take care to get back the corresponding receipt.

- Second deposit: 35%, 3 months after the signature of the quote of commitment.

- Third deposit : 20%, one month before the event

- Balance : the day of the event, at the end of the prestation

Those procedures may differ according to the event. Those who prevail over are those are in the contract signed by each


Failure to respect time limits can entitle award of damages to the provider.


X. Termination clause

If within 15 days worked following recovery by registred letter post with proof of receipt for an attempt to collect a debt

with or without penalty, “the customer” did not acquitted the sums due, the contract is avoided and “the provider” is

disengaged without delay of all obligations to “the customer”.


XI. Insurance and extreme circumstances

“The customer” is responsible for damages, direct or not, caused by himself or one of his guests during the event or the

preparation of the event. JSJ,”the provider”, declines all responsibility for any damage or loss of any kind (personal effects,

equipment,…) brought by the organizer or belonging to the participants wherever the goods are stored (parking, local,


“The provider” will be discharged from all liability in case of extreme circumstances or beyond his control would occur

(strike, fire, water damage, blackout,…).

“The customer” declares to have the full legal capacity allowing him to engage in the respect of the contract.

“The customer” gives an undertaking to waive, him, guest or insurance company, any use in any form against “the provider”

if happens one of the cases detailed above.

Unless, “the customer” is committed to ensuring “the provider” against all recourse or complaint and is committed to

compensate the provider for all damages, losses, or spending resulting from such recourse or complaint.


XII. Claims and litigations

Any objection or litigation cannot be considered only if they are made by recommended letter post with proof of receipt to

the head office of “the provider” within a delay of 8 days after the date of the event.

In case of dispute, the jurisdiction is made among the competent Court who depends the head office of JSJ, “the provider”. 

PREAMBLE EURL JSJ hereinafter referred to as « the provider » whose haed office is 1391 Chemin du Vieux Moulin 83440 Tourrettes, recorded in the Companies and Commerce Register under n°49874574400017 RCS Draguignan, with registred capital of one thousand five hundred euro, carry on the activity among other, of event planner in this site. In this context, JSJ proposes at all person (hereinafter referred as “the customer”) wishing to set up an event, the services of its employees, partners, suppliers, subcontractor, or others… It makes sure of the successful holding of the event, of the partner professionalism, assure the negotiations but cannot be held liable for exceptional events which would occur and would be beyond its control and commitments made with them. “The customer” interested by the offer drafted by JSJ, delegates to “the provider”, the responsibility to the organization of the event, by signing the General Conditions of Sales and the quote of commitment whose are equal of warrant. Upon the signing of the quote of commitment, the customer has a withdrawal period of seven days beyond whom the present general conditions are intended to define their mutual rights and duties. APPLICATIONS OF THE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE I. The order taking Any order of event by “the customer” will be considered therefore that one of these four following conditions will be respected: 1. Agreement in writing, e-mail or posted letter, at the date of the event. 2. Signature of the quote shall be preceded by the handwritten mention "Agreed by". 3. Initials and signature of the General Conditions of Sale preceded by the handwritten mention “read and approved”. 4. Payment by the "customer" of the deposit claimed upon accepting the quote. Therefore, “the provider” delivers a receipt to the customer and indicates the dates and amounts of next deposits. In the absence of written comments by him, “the customer” undertook to settle the deposits described above. In case of rejection by banking institution, the order will automatically be cancelled and “the customer” will be notified via e-mail. II. Validity of the event “The provider” makes a commitment on the date chosen as the event but cannot be guarantee the execution of the order in the event of unfavorable meteorological conditions of other exceptional event whose would occur (see chapter XI – Insurance and extreme circumstances) III. Preparation of the event : Each of the sites selected by “the provider” has its own rules. The client is responsible to verify the reservation time of the site (indicated on the quote of commitment). If overtimes are asked by “the customer”, he undertakes to pay the amount to “the provider” on the average basis of 40€ ttc/hour. “The customer” is also responsible for damages caused by himself or one of his guests, and he will pay the damages caused directly with the owner of the place. IV. Guarantee of reservation The prices appearing on the quote of commitment established by “the provider” will guarantee seven days after the date of the quote. V. Guarantee of cultery The final invoice will be established depending on the guests representing on the order signed. “The customer” has the possibility of adjusting the number of 10 % less no extra cost until 10 days maximum before the date of the event. Within less than 10 days, “the provider” reserves the right to charge the number indicated on the voucher. VI. Conditions of use If the cancellation at the initiative of the customer occurs: - Less than 24h until 10 days before the date of the event,” the customer” will be billed to 100%, including staff hours and possible options. - From 10 days to 45 days before the date of the event, “the provider” preserves all the deposits. - From 46 days to 90 days before the date of the event, “the customer” is billed to 50% of the totality. - Beyond 90 days and after the withdrawal period at the signature of the quote, the first deposit (35%) will be preserved by “the provider”. VII. Insurance cancellation and bad weather “The provider” proposes the client to subscribe through him with the company insurance MMA, an insurance covering the risk of bad weather or cancellation. This contract would have been signed on minimum 8 weeks before the event. In order to be reimbursed on the costs incurred, the price is : - Cancellation : 1,5 % on the costs incurred with minimum of 400€ - Bad weather : 4 % on the costs incurred with minimum of 500€ Without subscription, it is noted that the client ensures alone on the risks involved. VIII. Intellectual property and confidentiality The present general conditions of sale and the services included in the quote of commitment are not intended to constitute any transfer of rights on intellectual property could be implemented under the service ordered. “The customer” authorizes “the provider” to quote him and to use photography, pictures, movies or other means of communication for all commercial document in any form whatsoever as commercial reference and without detriment to the image of the client. IX. Terms of payment - First deposit: 35% of the totality from the signature of the quote of commitment, which will be added eventually the full amount of the location of the site in case of privatization. In such case, the payment will be directly established to the order of the owner and submitted to “the provider” which will take care to get back the corresponding receipt. - Second deposit: 35%, 3 months after the signature of the quote of commitment. - Third deposit : 20%, one month before the event - Balance : the day of the event, at the end of the prestation Those procedures may differ according to the event. Those who prevail over are those are in the contract signed by each part. Failure to respect time limits can entitle award of damages to the provider. X. Termination clause If within 15 days worked following recovery by registred letter post with proof of receipt for an attempt to collect a debt with or without penalty, “the customer” did not acquitted the sums due, the contract is avoided and “the provider” is disengaged without delay of all obligations to “the customer”. XI. Insurance and extreme circumstances “The customer” is responsible for damages, direct or not, caused by himself or one of his guests during the event or the preparation of the event. JSJ,”the provider”, declines all responsibility for any damage or loss of any kind (personal effects, equipment,…) brought by the organizer or belonging to the participants wherever the goods are stored (parking, local, hall,…). “The provider” will be discharged from all liability in case of extreme circumstances or beyond his control would occur (strike, fire, water damage, blackout,…). “The customer” declares to have the full legal capacity allowing him to engage in the respect of the contract. “The customer” gives an undertaking to waive, him, guest or insurance company, any use in any form against “the provider” if happens one of the cases detailed above. Unless, “the customer” is committed to ensuring “the provider” against all recourse or complaint and is committed to compensate the provider for all damages, losses, or spending resulting from such recourse or complaint. XII. Claims and litigations Any objection or litigation cannot be considered only if they are made by recommended letter post with proof of receipt to the head office of “the provider” within a delay of 8 days after the date of the event. In case of dispute, the jurisdiction is made among the competent Court who depends the head office of JSJ, “the provider”.

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