Fermeture temporaire sur 2025 du restaurant

Legal Notice

hotel 2 etoiles

Legal name of operator: JSJ

Email Address : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Telephone : +33 (0)4 94 76 06 36

Siret number: 49874574400017

APE Code: 5510Z



Business name : Auberge des Pins

Registred office : 1391 Chemin du Vieux moulin D19 Allée des Pins 83440 Tourrettes

RCS Draguignan : 780 614 534



You can contact our customer service by phone : +33 (0)4 94 76 06 36


Creation of the website and Internet hosting

Web Agency NETIO :  www.netio.fr

2, avenue Charles Dahon 06590 Théoule sur Mer



The access to the web site www.aubergedespins.com excluded the personal data collection. The website does not allow visitors to communicate with each other or to publish information accessible by other Internet users. 

We do collect only your nominal data (civility, name, surname, address, phone number, email address …), if you provided voluntary by you during the use of our services (contact page, quotation request…). We do not collect the visitor data from others sources. Personal data are collected only for the purpose of customer management, invoice and performance of the contract, and will not be communicated, or transferred, or sold to third parties.

We do not collect deliberately data on the minors and we work diligently to verify that one parent gave his agreement to the collection of personal data on the minor.

If you use e-mail to give us your data, you have to know that the privacy correspondence is not guaranteed. 

All our employees having data access or are associated to the process, they are required to respect the confidenciality of personal data of our visitors.

This website does not use cookies.

In accordance with Article 39 and law n°78-17 of January 6th 1978 modificated in 2004 relating to information technology, files and liberties, each individual may receive, upon simple request, communication, and if desired, rectification or deletion of information concerning him by simple email request at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We will not oppose to the request, but we will ask you a copy of your ID card. You will receive a response within 24 hours.

In the absence of answer from you within one month after receipt of the email address, your agreement will be acted. However, you will be able to send us later, at any time, of your request to stop this personal data diffusion on Internet. In order to exercise this right, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Terms of use and Copyright

The content of this website is covered by the French and International Legislation on Copyright and intellectual property. Any person who visiting this website is committed to respecting the Terms of use.

The website www.aubergedespins.com is the intellectual property in its entirety of the auberge des Pins, as well as the whole of the rights related. All the texts, the comments, the photos, the illustrations and the products are protected by the intellectual property and for the whole world

Any reproduction, complete or partial, regardless of the kind of support, is absolutely forbidden, except by prior written approval from the seller.

Moreover, the trade name, the logo, the trademarks are registred by the owner, and cannot be reproduced or mentioned without the agreement of the Auberge des Pins.

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